Steps to Stepping Out on the Water
Facing challenges can be like stepping out on the water. It can be a source of great anxiety and fear, causing us to retreat. Peter faced this challenge quite literally when Jesus called out to him as He was upon the water. But before he took his first steps, there were prior steps that enabled […]

The Meaning of Water
Before God created the heavens and the earth, the Bible describes the Spirit of God hovering over waters. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1:2 There is much symbolism associated with water throughout the Bible […]

Our Connection to Him
We were designed to live, move, and have our being in Creator God from the very beginning. Though mankind was perfectly aligned in this at first it was eventually interrupted when sin entered the world through disobedience. Despite this, God made a way again for mankind to come back into alignment with Him, made possible […]